09-10-19 - CISO Confessions: "It's Not You. It's Me."

CISO Confessions: "It's Not You. It's Me."

CISO | Security Vendor Relationship Series

This week's episode of CISO/Security Vendor Relationship Podcast

CISO Confessions: "It's Not You. It's Me."

CISO/Security Vendor Relationship Podcast, live in NYC's Times Square


, special guest co-host Betsy Bevilacqua, CISO, Butterfly Network and guest Matt Southworth, CISO of Priceline, discussed:

Don't necessarily blame yourself if a CISO goes cold.

In many, if not most, cases a CISO may end up ghosting a vendor for which they've had multiple conversations solely because the CISO became overwhelmed or sidetracked by other projects. Don't give up. Just reach out to the CISO and ask if situations have changed and if so, when would be a good time to follow up on your discussions.

THANK YOU WeWork for hosting our event. If you're in cybersecurity and interested in working at WeWork, contact JJ Agha, vp of information security at WeWork. Also, huge thanks to David Raviv and the NY Information Security Meetup group for partnering with us on this event.

CISOs like it when their employees stand up for the security community.

If security solutions are not properly vetted and it is believed that a vendor is selling the equivalent of cybersecurity 'snake oil', then often it's appropriate to cross the line of public discourse to make the perceived falsehoods publicly known. This references a case at Black Hat USA where security practitioners shouted down a presenter. While on first look the behavior seems wrong, some CISOs believe those security professionals should be applauded for their community leadership, not disciplined for their actions.

Make cybersecurity fun, and you can change behavior.

A great motivator for behavioral change is fun combined with humble bragging.

which took an entire month to create cybersecurity games with exclusive prizes that employees could wear as a badge of honor. 

Special thanks to this week's CISO/Security Vendor Relationship Podcast sponsors: Tehama, Tenable, and Devo.


Tehama provides secure and compliant virtual desktops on the cloud, and all the IT infrastructure needed for enterprises to connect and grow global and remote teams. Tehama's built-in SOC 2 Type II controls reduce the risk of malware intrusion from endpoint devices, data breaches, and other vulnerabilities.  Learn more at




Effective vulnerability prioritization helps you answer three questions: Where should we prioritize based on risk? Which vulnerabilities are likeliest to be exploited? What should we fix first? Tenable gives you the accurate and actionable data you need to answer these questions and better secure your business. Learn more: 


Introducing Devo Security Operations

SOC teams have been struggling with many of the same issues for years – lack of visibility, too much noise – all while the threat landscape grows more complex. Devo Security Operations is a next-gen cloud SIEM that enables you to gain complete visibility, reduce noise, and focus on the threats that matter most to the business.

Mike Johnson on punishing employees for failing phishing tests.

How would YOU improve incentives for cybersecurity sales professionals?

As I continue to hear about the frustration of being on the receiving end of cybersecurity sales, I keep thinking that managers are pushing the wrong incentives which cause the wrong behaviors by salespeople. In fact, we've heard multiple times that salespeople use our show to prove to their managers that they shouldn't be pitching the way they've been instructed.My question to you, dear listener and contributor: If you could change the incentive/measurement structure for sales staff, what would you like to change? You can't just remove something. You need to create a new incentive or measurement to still understand performance. What would that be? Email me and let me know. This is for an upcoming webinar so let me know if you'd like to be quoted or stay anonymous.

Consultant Yael Nagler on CISOs trying to communicate to too many at the same time.


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