09-24-19 - Wait… What? Good News in Cybersecurity?

Wait… What? Good News in Cybersecurity?

CISO | Security Vendor Relationship Series

This week's episode of CISO/Security Vendor Relationship Podcast

Wait… What? Good News in Cybersecurity?


, Mike Johnson and our guest, Geoff Belknap, CISO, LinkedIn, discussed:

Not all cybersecurity news is bad news.

While we know that doom and gloom are the most popular headlines, there are good stories to tell about cybersecurity, such as criminals being arrested, new security features, new legislation, and the success of bug bounties. All of this provides positive reinforcement to the collective efforts of the security program.

Mike Johnson, co-host,

CISO/Security Vendor Relationship Podcast

, Geoff Belknap, CISO, LinkedIn, and David Spark, producer, CISO Series

Not enough breach aftermath stories.

While breaches seem to dominate cybersecurity news, what we'd like to hear are the stories of how companies survived or even thrived after a breach.

How critical should a new CISO be of existing cybersecurity programs?

While new CISOs are usually hired to make changes, keep in mind that massive projects usually don't need to be scrapped. Incoming CISOs are going to have an outsider's view. You're not yet close to the issue. 

Does the security team need a communications professional or a culture person?

We discussed the value of having an internal cheerleader for the security program. Question is what role should that person take on, communications or culture? Or should it be a blend of both?

Special thanks to this week's CISO/Security Vendor Relationship Podcast sponsor, Trend Micro.

Trend Micro

Stop Looking for the Perfect Candidate. Build a Cybersecurity Talent Pipeline

Stop Looking for the Perfect Candidate. Build a Cybersecurity Talent Pipeline

Everyone’s looking for the perfect cybersecurity candidate that already has the experience and the training. Want that person? Then get ready for a bidding war OR create that person.Just after recording this week's episode of CISO/Security Vendor Relationship Podcast, co-host Mike Johnson and our guest Geoff Belknap, CISO of LinkedIn, discussed the ineffectiveness of trying to find the perfect candidate, and that if you want a strong cybersecurity staff, you have to build it yourself. That requires building a pipeline of finding raw talent, training them, engaging them, and promoting them.

CISO Confessions: “It’s Not You. It’s Me.” - CISO/Security Vendor Relationship Podcast

CISO Series on reddit at r/cisoseries!

Whether you've got a problem, learning something new, trying to keep up with the latest news, or you're just venting, all InfoSec professionals lean on a community such as LinkedIn, Slack, and even reddit! Now you can be part of the CISO Series discussion on reddit as we have launched our very own subreddit, r/cisoseriesI'll try to pepper the subreddit with enough conversations, posts, videos, and podcast episodes. But I leave it to you to point us to the best conversations in cybersecurity OR start one of your own. We lean on the community for ideas, questions, and topics for the show. So don't hesitate to join and be a part of the community.

WATCH: “Are Cybersecurity Sales Incentives Helping or Hurting the Industry?”

WATCH: “Are Cybersecurity Sales Incentives Helping or Hurting the Industry?”

Last week, we finally got a chance to relaunch CISO Series webinars in our round table video format. We were very pleased with our panelists (Carl Wright of AttackIQ and Manooch Hosseini of Optiv), the attendance, the participation, and the fun format.

See for yourself.

, complete with all the comments made throughout. We discussed where sales incentives succeed and fail, and I forced the audience to come up with some of the most outlandish ideas for sales incentives.

As you'll see, our webinars welcome engagement from the outset. No need to be a wallflower or wait for the last 15 minutes to field questions. We welcome contributions via text or video. Everyone is welcome to attend and participate. 

Defense in Depth: Top CISO Communication Issues


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