10-08-19 - Cybercrimes Solved in an Hour or Your Next One's Free

Cybercrimes Solved in an Hour or Your Next One's Free

CISO | Security Vendor Relationship Series

This week's episode of CISO/Security Vendor Relationship Podcast

Cybercrimes Solved in an Hour or Your Next One's Free


, Mike Johnson and our sponsored guest Jason Hill, lead researcher at CyberInt Research Lab, discussed:

Digital forensics are no longer local.

Gone are the days when a researcher just had a single hard drive to examine. Most data that's being researched is in the cloud, far from being in just one location. And it's not nearly as easy as the movies would make you believe.

AI is not magic dust.

When you add AI to anything it doesn't all of a sudden make the product better.

AI is not artificial. It's actually Augmented Intelligence.

No matter how much AI you have, you still need the human element somewhere in the equation to create the system and manage it.

Crowdsourced security thrives on a variety of incentives.

Not all successful crowdsourced security models require financial motivation, like bug bounties. Often security professionals can be motivated by a challenge, a thirst for knowledge, or wanting to make a visible impact in their community. Look at the success of open source.

Special thanks to this week's CISO/Security Vendor Relationship Podcast sponsor, CyberInt.


The high ROI is what makes spear phishing campaigns so attractive to threat actors. Read our breakdown of TA505’s latest series of attacks. CyberInt has been tracking various activities surrounding this and other similar attacks where legit means were used to hack international companies in the retail & financial industries.

Mike Johnson on the difficulty of reporting on good news in cybersecurity

Brand NEW sponsored videos

As you've probably heard on both podcasts, we've got brand new sponsored segments produced by Steve Prentice. But, what's even cooler is we're turning those sponsored audio segments into videos. You can see, read, and hear those sponsored segments in episodes of CISO/Security Vendor Relationship Podcast and Defense in Depth. You'll find the videos right in the middle of the blog post for each episode. Check out the sponsored segment in last week's Defense in Depth.

Anne Marie Zettlemoyer, MasterCard on how to sync up security and the business


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