8/1/19 - Why CISOs Prefer to Hire Hackers

Why CISOs Prefer to Hire Hackers

CISO | Security Vendor Relationship Series

This week's episode of Defense in Depth

Hacker Culture

Defense in Depth: Hacker Culture

 On this episode of Defense in Depth:

Co-host Allan Alford and Joseph Menn, journalist, Reuters, and author of "Cult of the Dead Cow: How the Original Hacking Supergroup Might Just Save the World", discuss:

  • Hacking's definitions are varied, but the one that speaks to all theories is that hacking is critical thinking.

  • Hackers don't follow a manual. They look at systems with an open mind.

  • Hackers nurture the sense of the inner rebel. They want to truly understand the inner workings of a system.

  • Hackers aren't creating havoc, they're exposing problems that are already there. And they do it because it's the only way to get attention to the problem.

  • Security professionals understand the value of finding existing problems, that's why they instituted and support bug bounty programs that provide a financial incentive to hack.

  • Hackers are not afraid to be challenged.

  • If cybersecurity students jump straight from schooling to the corporate world, and they don't have time to explore their desire to hack, they won't have the opportunity to create their own moral code when it comes to hacking.

  • It's important for a hacker to discover their moral compass, because there are going to be situations where a hacker will have the opportunity to do bad things without getting caught. How will they handle it?

Special thanks to this week's Defense in Depth podcast sponsor, Trend Micro.

Trend Micro
Mike Johnson on security responsibility in the cloud

I'll be filming at Black Hat on Wednesday August 7th

Once again, at Black Hat this year I'll be on the trade show floor filming some of my "man on the street"-style videos. I'm eager to get you on camera. If you see me and my cameraman, stop by and I may have a question to ask you on camera. I'll be easy to spot and I'll have an orange "CISO Series" microphone flag.

Mike Johnson appreciates when he receives more pitches to critique.


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