Chances Are We’ll Be Attacked the Day Before Your Vacation

Chances Are We’ll Be Attacked the Day Before Your Vacation

CISO Series

CISO/Security Vendor Relationship Podcast

Chances Are We’ll Be Attacked the Day Before Your Vacation

Chances Are We’ll Be Attacked the Day Before Your Vacation

Mike Johnson and I welcome guest Patti Titus, CISO, Markel to discuss:

  • What role is the quickest to a CISO role?

  • How can we best correlate security behavior to business actions?

  • Are attacks more likely on Fridays, just before a long weekend or vacation?

  • Which breaches this year caused a shift in focus of your security program?


Thanks to our podcast sponsor, Sotero

Thanks to our podcast sponsor, Sotero

Overheard on CISO/Security Vendor Relationship Podcast 

“I'm really frustrated at the old ways of thinking about security. The idea that training people to not make mistakes is going to solve everything.” - Mike Johnson, co-host, CISO/Security Vendor Relationship Podcast.

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CISO Series Live at KeyConf in NYC TOMORROW 11-17-21

LIve podcast recording in NYC Nov 17, 2021

We’re coming back to NYC for a live show of CISO/Security Vendor Relationship Podcast at

, a one-day conference all about secrets management, identity, and zero trust.

It’s happening at City Winery in NYC on Wednesday, November 17th, 2021. The conference begins at 9am ET, and we record our live show at 4pm ET.

Register to attend in person or watch virtually.I’ll be hosting the podcast with my co-host JJ Agha, CISO, Compass. Also joining us on stage will be: Oded Hareven, co-founder and CEO, Akeyless Mike Rogers, former NSA director Dr. Chase Cunningham, former Forrester analyst

Thanks to this week's headlines sponsor, Akeyless

Cyber Security Headlines 

Top headlines for Tuesday, November 16, 2021:

  • Cloudflare blocks a massive 2 TBps DDoS attack

  • DDR4 memory protections are broken wide open by new Rowhammer technique

  • DHS launches new effort to attract cybersecurity talent

to this episode.

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Thanks to this week's headlines sponsor, Vulcan Cyber

Thanks to this week's headlines sponsor, Vulcan Cyber

Join us this Friday [11-19-21] for "Hacking Email Security"

Join us this Friday [11-19-21] for "Hacking Email Security"

Our discussion will be 

"Hacking Email Security: An hour of critical thinking of alternative ways to protect messaging."

It all begins at 10 AM PT/1 PM ET on Friday, November 19, 2021 with guests DJ Sampath, CEO and co-founder, Armorblox, and John Overbaugh, CISO, Alpine Software Group We'll have fun conversation and games, plus at the end of the hour (11 AM PT/2 PM ET) we'll do our meetup.

Thanks to our video chat sponsor, Armorblox

Thanks to our video chat sponsor, Armorblox

Overheard on Defense in Depth 

“Let’s just have a conversation, and if you can quickly get to what my problem is… then we’re going to have a great basis to start a conversation. But if you just come at me with Gartner, it’s not going to go anywhere.” - Geoff Belknap, CISO, LinkedIn

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