Excuse Me, What Bribes Do You Accept?

Excuse Me, What Bribes Do You Accept?

CISO Series

CISO/Security Vendor Relationship Podcast

Excuse Me, What Bribes Do You Accept?

Excuse Me, What Bribes Do You Accept?

Mike Johnson and I welcome guest Allison Miller, CISO, reddit, to discuss:

  • What incentives, if any, would you accept to take a meeting with a vendor?

  • Relying on the end-user to make an app secure is, in essence, just shipping insecure software

  • It's official: mandatory password changes and difficult passwords are no longer in vogue


Thanks to our podcast sponsor, Living Security

Living Security

Overheard on CISO/Security Vendor Relationship Podcast 

“Secure DevOps is a culture. It's not a team. It's not a tool. You can't buy your way into secure DevOps.” 

Mike Johnson, co-host, CISO/Security Vendor Relationship Podcast

Listen to full episode of "


Cyber Security Headlines 

Top headlines for Tuesday, June 8, 2021:

  • US recovers millions in cryptocurrency paid to Colonial Pipeline ransomware hackers

  • Energy chief cites risk of cyberattacks crippling power grid

  • New Evil Corp ransomware mimics PayloadBin gang to evade US sanctions

to this episode.

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Thanks to this week's headlines sponsor, Trend Micro

Trend Micro

Join us this Friday [06-11-21] for "Hacking Acceptable Risk"

"Hacking Acceptable Risk" - CISO Series Video Chat

Our discussion will be 

"Hacking Acceptable Risk: An hour of critical thinking on when we should stop trying to reduce risk."

It all begins at 10 AM PT/1 PM ET on Friday, June 11, 2021 with guests Michael Roytman, chief data scientist, Kenna Security, and Ben Sapiro, head of technology risk and CISO, Canada Life. We'll have fun conversation and games, plus at the end of the hour (11 AM PT/2 PM ET) we'll do our Icebreaker (AKA "cybersecurity speed dating").

Thanks to our video chat sponsor, Kenna Security

Kenna Security

Overheard on Defense in Depth 

“The reality is developing software, like building a business, is an ecosystem fraught with choices and equities that we all have to balance and I think, especially now, that we recognize that very secure software is a high quality software.” 

Geoff Belknap, CISO, LinkedIn

Listen to full episode of "
