I'm Humbled to Tell You About My Prestigious Award

I'm Humbled to Tell You About My Prestigious Award

CISO | Security Vendor Relationship Series

This week's episode of CISO/Security Vendor Relationship Podcast

I'm Humbled to Tell You About My Prestigious Award

I'm Humbled to Tell You About My Prestigious Award-CISO/Security Vendor Relationship Podcast

 On this episode of CISO/Security Vendor Relationship Podcast:

Co-host Mike Johnson and our guest Will Lin, partner, ForgePoint Capital, discuss the following:

  • Investing is about timing. No different with startups. Is the market ready for what your startup is about to give? Can trend hopping be valuable? Possibly if you know what stage it is in the cycle. And just stick around because old trends in security repeat themselves.

  • Watch out how you use the term "humbling". We had sufficient debate on the term "humbling" which as a verb (e.g., "humbling" or "humbled") means that you felt you were at higher stature and someone knocked you down. That's often not what people mean when they post an announcement for which they're actually grateful.

  • How frequently are you "humble"? This became the factor to determine that even if someone was using the term "humble" inappropriately, are they overusing the sentiment? If not, then probably they mean well.

  • Startups don't know the price of their product either. Want to know how much a startup's product costs? If you ask them, they won't know. Chances are the customers are going to eventually tell them what the price of their product should be.

  • Is it possible to be transparent and not show your pricing? Taunting visitors that you will reveal pricing on your site then not delivering is simply poor user experience and it doesn't imbue trust. For many products, not all, pricing can be shown at small increments. Once there are enterprise-level needs that pricing, it's understandable that would require a negotiation and a quote. 

Special thanks to this week's CISO/Security Vendor Relationship Podcast sponsor, Praetorian.


As a professional services company, Praetorian helps enterprise customers solve complex cybersecurity problems. We are the security experts.

Jackson Muhirwe, deputy CISO, UC Davis on vulnerability management

REGISTER for "What Every Security Practitioner Needs to Know about Security Sales"

In the CISO Series' ongoing effort to reduce frustration between buyers and sellers of security products, I'll be moderating a round table discussion where we look under the hood of the security sales process.This is going to be a highly participatory webinar so please come prepared with questions, comments, and webcam and microphone ready to go.

Tim Keeler, CEO, Remediant, on Privileged Access Management


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