[Tuesday--07/5/22]--Why Does Your Privacy Matter If I’m Paying You?

Why Does Your Privacy Matter If I’m Paying You?

CISO Series
  • On this week's episode of CISO Series Podcast we ask what are some alternatives to address the authentication problem?

  • Cyber Security Headlines you need to know: Jenkins discloses dozens of zero-day bugs, rogue HackerOne employee steals bug reports to sell, and Q1 attacks could have prevented with patches.

  • And please join us for this week's Super Cyber Friday "Hacking Security Reporting."

CISO Series Podcast

Why Does Your Privacy Matter If I’m Paying You?

Why Does Your Privacy Matter If I’m Paying You?

Mike Johnson and I welcome sponsored guest Ian Hassard, director of product management, Okta to discuss:

  • What are the real world positive impacts that result on the business in terms of risk reduction, product development, and prevention?

  • What are some alternatives to address the authentication problem?

  • What have you heard enough about with authentication, and what would you like to hear a lot more about?

  • To what level should you and shouldn't you monitor your staff? What cases do you feel you would have to install monitoring software?

Thanks to our podcast sponsor, Okta


Best advice for a CISO...

"Just recognize that you're on a journey, and it's never going to come to an end. Change is scary but normal and just keep powering on through." --Ian Hassard, director of product management, Okta

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CISO Series Podcast


Defense in Depth

Overheard on Defense in Depth 

"I think there’s a difference between being a profit center and being a team who can demonstrably prove that you’re essential to the business....The ultimate point is to demonstrate that the bottom line for the business is better with you than without you. Do you call that being a profit center? Do you call that being a cost center where your costs are being offset against reduction in cost elsewhere in the business? I mean, at that point, it’s kind of splitting hairs. In the end, what you’re doing is you are helping to ensure that the company is fiscally better off with you than without you." --Michael Weiss, CISO, Human Interest

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Cyber Security Headlines 

Top headlines for Tuesday, July 5, 2022:

  • Jenkins discloses dozens of zero-day bugs in multiple plugins

  • Rogue HackerOne employee steals bug reports to sell on the side

  • Patchable and preventable security issues lead causes of Q1 attacks

to this episode.

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Cyber Security Headlines

this and every Friday at 3:30 PM ET/12:30 PM PT for a short 20-minute discussion of the week's cyber news. You can participate live in the conversation by registering


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Thanks to our Cyber Security Headlines sponsor, Votiro


Super Cyber Fridays!

Join us Friday [07-08-22], for "Hacking Security Reporting"

Hacking Security Reporting

Do you know what security reporting is? Do you really understand it? How about five explanations of security reporting in 90 seconds?

That’s exactly what Dan DeCloss, CEO, PlexTrac pulled off in this promotion for our Super Cyber Friday event happening NEXT Friday, July 8th, 2022 at 1 PM ET/10 AM PT (we’re off this Friday for the holiday weekend). Please join me, Dan, and our guest who you know very well Mike Johnson, co-host of CISO Series Podcast AND CISO, Fastly.

We look forward to seeing you there. And YES, we will have our meetup at the end.

Thanks to our Super Cyber Friday sponsor, PlexTrac
